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Jani The Wheelbarrower

Jani The Wheelbarrowerretired
The Dead Diggers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 6  (2 were kills!)
MVP awards: 4
Star Player Points: 32
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 2 1 8 Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle

Sustained Injuries: -AG, -ST,  1 niggling inj.

Retired during Season XXVIII.
Raised from the corpse of Janisbun
Was awarded extra MVP for winning group B of season XXIV
Jani The Wheelbarrorer (formerly Janisbun of the Deities of Doom) has been given the task of pushing the wheelbarrow all day long as a penance for his formers teamīs crime. Only relief from this task will be given on the line of scrimmage where hopefully he will receive a proper beating.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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