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Bad Boy Benny

Bad Boy Benny
Dark Elf Thrower,
Reapers of Dusk team retired

   Roster number: 14  

Value: 90,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 12
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 17
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 4 8 Pass, Strong Arm, Safe Throw

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Reapers of Dusk has retired team retired --.
This Bad Boy could pack a powerful bomb in his teamwork with Freak Pinchi who would get the ball, give it to him and tell him where to throw it, and no matter where he had to throw that ball it would always arrive, often opponents would only feel the wind of the ball when it passed their ear or armpit never being able to know how to catch it!

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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