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Ian Stuart

Ian Stuartretired
Beastman Runner,
Aarhus Motherfuckers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 0
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 2 3 8 Horns 

Sustained Injuries: -ST

Retired during Season XXI.
Ian Stuart was a much feared hooligan in Aarhus during the nineties. He fought on numerous occations for the AGF-firm known as "White Bride" against their archenemies, the "South Side Ladyboys" from Brøndby.
Increased stadium security and police surveillance caused the firm to cut down on their activities, and Ian changed his career path to the Aarhus Motherfuckers.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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