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Spike Jab Lee

Spike Jab Lee
Dark Elf Blitzer,
Reapers of Dusk team retired

   Roster number: 1  

Value: 140,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 1
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 8
MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 5 8 Block, +AG

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Reapers of Dusk has retired team retired --.
The Reapers team captain Spike were the first player to join the team due to his amazing agility and speed combined with his brutality against opponents, whom he always tried to impale on his gloves! He later married eks-cheerleader Faith after falling in love with her after having watched her beat up part of the team using only her pompoms(which were not used to cover her, though it were all she was wearing at the time).

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