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Elf Lineman,
Blood Bowl Bunnies team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 3
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 3
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 4 7  

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Death Extravagante - Blood Bowl Bunnies (Season XVIII, round 3).
Lady Kate was the sole heir to the Fiddlesticks Estate in Suffolk after the death of her father Sir Francis Fiddlesticks over 50 years ago, and she is an old friend of Sir Harvey Lickbottom II (father of the present team owner) from their time as Hereditary Peers in the House of Lords. The nickname Suffolk-Kate was given to her in order to distinguish her from Lady Kate from the Purplebuns of Essex. In daily speaking the nickname is pronounced ”suffocate”, however, and the origin of this more sinister name is a bit more debated. One theory is that the name stems from the more or less poisonous fumes of her perfumes that she uses to disguise the slight smell of decomposition (after all she is over 90 years old). Another – more plausible – theory is that she got the name on account of her clingyness. She is so clingy that she almost smothers other people, and that might explain the breathing difficulties of Lord Lickbottom II. It is in any case for certain, that her being appointed to the team is caused by the Lickbottoms’ wish to see her dead. In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she forms companionship with fellow peer Terry Tory.

She entered the team before the 1st round match of season 17 as one of the first eleven players after the resetting of the team. She was killed in the 3rd round match of season 18. She played a total of 10 matches for the team.


Acclaims and accolades:






Current Champions
Coach Prize

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