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Jean-Claude Forfanden d.2.

Jean-Claude Forfanden d.2.Bounty of 20 kgp
Greyhavien Renegades team retired

   Roster number: 12  

Value: 230,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 11
Touchdowns: 19
Casualties: 22  (4 were kills!)
MVP awards: 8
Star Player Points: 152
MA ST AG AV Skills
8 3 4 6 Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Side Step, Juggernaut, Tackle, Diving Tackle

Sustained Injuries: -AV


-- Greyhavien Renegades has retired team retired --.
There is a bounty of Bounty20 000 gp on this player's head.
As the only player left of the orriginal 11 elf lineup, Jean-Claude is the seasoned veteran of the team. How this elf managed to play through 6 ArosBB seasons without getting killed or permanently injured is a total mystery, but some says he sacrificed his favourite comb to dark powers, to be blessed with a long life.

Jearn-Claude was a key Player in the Renegade lineup who took home the ArosBB trophy in season 18. He is not the greatest of stars, but a dead solid veteran who works for the team as team captain.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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