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Dingle Belli

Dingle Belliretired
Bad Moon Backstabbers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 2
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 14
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 2 3 7 Stunty, Right Stuff, Dodge, Side Step

Sustained Injuries: none

Retired during season XVI.
Retired after season 16, because the team was reset for season 17 and LRB5.
It seem odd, that this gobo is enlisted on the team, as he is definately not made for running. The fact that his paunch is hanging out over the belt surely makes dashing difficult. And when he comes waddling (for he keeps trying just that), all the dingling metal on the belt makes a sound that is familiar to a well-known christmas tune.

With a stunning debut, he scored twice in the match Bad Moon Backstabbers - New Forest Rangers (season XVI, 1/8-final)

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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