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Wurtyra Witch

Wurtyra Witchretired
Vampire Blitzer,
Shadows of Sorcery team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 2
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 6
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 4 4 8 Hypnotic Gaze, Regenerate, Blood Lust, Jump Up

Sustained Injuries: none

Retired during season XVI.
Retired after season 16, because the team was reset for season 17 and LRB5.
Wurtyra Witch was once a druid embrasing the darker side of the powers of nature. In time she became more and more tempted to control the forces of nature rather than embrace them, and the way of the druid was forever lost to her. Striding near complete and utter madness through the darkest forrests in the world she encountered a stranger, who promised her power beyond belief and life eternal. She accepted and became the powerfull sorceress Wurtyra, who now uses arcane force to subdue and pervert nature - she is everything a druid is not - unnatural, unbalanced and undead.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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