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Elf Lineman,
Blood Bowl Bunnies team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 11
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 3 4 7 Block

Sustained Injuries: -MA

Retired during season XV.
Afro-Ditte is the long lost sister of Lille Sorte Tumor – the adopted son of Metha Stase. Ditte was thought to have been lost in the civil war between the Hutus and the Tutsis in her native country of Burundi. Fortunately she turned up in a Red Cross field hospital, and was immediately flown to Denmark, where the adoption of Metha Stase and Leo Kæmi is currently pending. Wanting to follow in her adoptive mother’s footsteps, Afro-Ditte signed up for a contract with the Bunny team upon her arrival in Europe.

In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she forms companionship with the Kenyan actor and entertainment fair tycoon Tom Bola, whose brother E.Bola once was the terror of Africa.

She entered the team before the 7th round match of season 15 and was retired before the final of season 15. She played a total of 5 matches for the team. She was part of the gross troupe of season 15 thus giving her a share of the championship.

She joined the Bunny coaching staff for the final, but was retired as coach before the first round match of season 16.


Acclaims and accolades:






Current Champions
Coach Prize

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