Having Ulla Omar on the team is a real scoop.
Taleban leader Ulla Omar is one of the most notorious fugitives in the world – wanted by the FBI and nearly every other police agency in the Western world. When American forces entered the Taleban stronghold in the caves of the
Tora-Bora Mountains of Afghanistan they hoped to catch Ulla Omar. But their hopes were thwarted by Sir Harvey Lickbottom who had organized a daring escape for her two weeks prior to the American-led invasion.
”We had not gone to such great lengths, had she not been such a talented Blood Bowl player”, said Sir Harvey Lickbottom in a press conference shortly after her escape. Now that the focus of the media is no longer on her she has resurfaced in Britain and is now a player on the Bunny team. She continues to serve as a mentor for the Taleban in her exile, and she always keeps her Kalashnikov ready in her locker.
In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she forms companionship with the Iranian actor "Ondskabens" Aksel.
She entered the team before the 6th round match of season 14 and was retired after the quarter-finals of season 15. She was part of the gross troupe of season 15 thus giving her a share of the championship. She played a total of 13 matches for the team.
Acclaims and accolades: