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Skeleton Lineman,
Deadly Doom team retired

   Roster number: 2  

Value: 70,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 1  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 13
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 3 1 7 Regeneration, Thick Skull, Guard

Sustained Injuries: -AG


-- Deadly Doom has retired team retired --.
Appearances: 30/31
Injuries: 4
Enlisted on the team at the beginning of season XIV before match 31.

Missed round 5 as he broke his neck at the hands of Helle Dige Asen and failed to regenerate. He will now be even less agile.

But still he just reached 30 mathces for DD before the end of season XVI and DD's run at the cup.

Merits in season XVI:
5 spp: 1 MVP
Total: 13 spp: 1 cas (1 kill), 1 completion and 2 MVP.
Round 3: SI (64) -AG by Helle Dige Asen and failed to regenerate.
Round 5: Missed the match (as R3 where played after R 4).
Round x: BH by Pantzer and failed to regenerate.
Round of 16th: MVP for helping keep the score at 2-1.

--- Old news ---

Simply taken from the E pile of Necromancer Kynde's skeletons.

Got the MVP in round 3, probably because he actually was on pitch in the games very last turn leading the cheering of the fans down at DD’s own end zone after the tying TD in DD’s last turn.

Season XV

In the horrible first half against the rats from Blight Lurkers Eriks last turn comletion was the only highlight. Without any RR left, he was helped by a touch back due to a bad kick. Erik is the first skelly on DD to make a completion, and he is the first lino on DD to obtain a double on his skill roll. So he became the only third guard player on DD

In his 20th match for DD he took his first serious hit when he were BH. But he will be ready for the semifinal!

His first casualty was a kill and it came in the semi of XV, but it was not enough to help DD progress to the final, and even though the fling was not apoed, he was to small to be reanimated into a zombie.

Merits in season XIV: (10 matches)
5 spp: 1 MVP

Merits in season XV: (12 matches)
3 spp: 1 cas (1 kill), 1 completion: Guard from round 5.
Total: 8 spp: 1 cas (1 kill), 1 completion and 1 MVP. (22 matches)

Injuries: 4
BH by Lilach and failed to regenerate. 1/4, XV
SI MNG by Grimtoof but regnerated. 3rd, XV
SI -AG by Helle Dige Asen and failed to regenerate. 4, XVI
BH by Pantzer and failed to regenerate. x, XVI

3, XIV
1/8, XVI

1 Completion
5, XV. Learned Guard.

1 Cas
Killed Michael Slians. 1/2, XV

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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