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Keltharos Jr.

Keltharos Jr.dead
Bull Centaur Blitzer,
Zhatan's Disciples team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 7
Casualties: 3
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 37
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 4 2 9 Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Block, Guard

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Zhatan's Disciples - MoonKnight Shadows (season XV, round 3).
A young a very promising Bull Centaur and the son of one of the truly feared players of recent times, Keltharos.

Keltharos Jr. is indeed very young but already so much the image of his father in his glory days. He has already now learned some of the tricks that made his father a great player.

Only time will tell if he fulfill the high hopes so many has talked about.

Favourite Meal: Baked Potatoes and a bloody steak

Most Notable Feat: Being made a player at so young an age.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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