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Ane Uråd

Ane Urådretired
Elf Catcher,
Blood Bowl Bunnies team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 4
Touchdowns: 14
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 56
Top Scorer: season XIII

MA ST AG AV Skills
10 3 5 7 Catch, Nerves of Steel, +MA, Dodge, +AG, +MA

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.

Retired during season XIII.
retired due to Crush!
1 niggling due to ageing
"Ane Uråd is the daughter of the legendary Blood Bowl full back Fatter Mistanke, who was perhaps best known under the nickname "Møvernes Konge". She worked for many years as a fake clairvoyant with a sideline of counselling people with matrimonial difficulities. One day, though, she woke up realizing that what she really wanted to do was running around on a rectangular grass field inflicting damage on mutant fabulous monsters. She was hired by the Bunnies for her obvious receiving qualities.

In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she forms companionship with the Swedish peace activist Bo Fors".

That was her description in the special issue of PlayBall Magazine detailing the newly purchased Bunny players.

She entered the team just before the 6th round match of season 12 and retired on crush after season 13.

She was the first on the team to suffer from ageing. She was the first on the team to score a one-turn touchdown. She was the first on the team to attain the rank of star player. Together with Synne Buch she was the first to win an individual team prize when she became season top scorer in season 13. She was the first and only player on the team to retire due to crush back when forced retirement was still an option. She played a total of 12 matches for the team.

She has now joined the coaching staff as offensive coordinator. On the picture she can be seen wearing the Bunny Heroine galla dress and holding her top scorer trophy.


Acclaims and accolades:



1. League top scorer of season 13.


1. Team top scorer of season 13 - (14 TDs).
2. Team top experienced of season 13 - (56 SPPs).
3. Awarded Bunny of the Season in season 13.

AWARD: Awarded into the Hall of Bunny Heroines.
TEAM FIRST: First one-turn touchdown.
TEAM FIRST: First league end-of-season 1st place together
...................... with Synne Buch.
TEAM FIRST: First ranked star player.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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