"Lykke Pille is one of the few players ever in the history of Blood Bowl to have been caught and banned for a period of time for the use of doping drugs. During the ban for her massive abuse of anti-depressants she had to abreact using weightlifting equipment so as not to vent on the Blood Bowl authorities. Her training paid off and her strong arms made her an obvious choice as backup quarterbunny.
In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she forms companionship with the American demolition expert Sem Tex, brother of Kam and Jafet and widower of Lykke's sister Fon Tex."
That was her description in the special issue of PlayBall Magazine detailing the newly purchased Bunny players.
Lykke Pille entered the team just before their third round match in season 12.
Although she entered the team as a backup quarterbunny and two matches later than the primary quarterbunny
Synne Buch she managed to overtake her in terms of completions fast, and was the most succesful of the quarterbunnies at the time of her death. The two quarterbunnies had taken different skills and completed each other perfectly. They went along so well together that they gained their new skills at the same time.
Alas Lykke Pille was killed in the sixth round match of season 13 by minotaur
Bjørn Torsketrækker from Olvig Vikings. She played a total of 11 matches for the Bunnies.
Acclaims and accolades:
1. Finished 4th on the season top thrower list of season 13. (At the time of her death she was in second place).
2. At the time of her death she was tied for thirteenth place on the all time league top thrower list.
(The picture of her was taken at the obligatory cheerleader trial that all Bunny players must pass in order to be taken into consideration on the pitch).
Acclaims and accolades:
1. Team top thrower of season 12 - (7 CMPs).