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Sarah Cen

Sarah Cendead
Elf Lineman,
Blood Bowl Bunnies team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 1
Casualties: 11  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 3
Star Player Points: 41
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 3 7 Block, Tackle, Side Step

Sustained Injuries: -1 AG  DEATH!

Was killed in the match MoonKnight Shadows - Blood Bowl Bunnies (season XVI, semi-final).
-1 AG due to ageing
Necromantically turned into The late Sarah Cen
A perfect choice for the front line, Sarah Cen served in the army of Saladin (1137-1193). She fought with him under the Battle of Hattin. It took quite a persuasive effort to have her leave the scimitar on the sideline. In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors® she - true to her fickle mind - forms companionship with René Gade.

Sarah Cen entered the team at the beginning of season 12 making her one of the "original 11". She was the first on the team to receive an mvp award. She was appointed team vice captain in the third round match of season 14 following the death of Hvasse Line. She was one of the "Champion 12" who won the championship in season 15. She died in the semi-final of season 16. She played a total of 43 matches for the team.


Acclaims and accolades:



1. Aros Champion of season 15 with the Bunnies.


1. Tied for team top casualty inflicter in season 14 - (1 CAS).
2. Team top casualty inflicter of season 15 - (6 CASs).
3. Team top casualty inflicter of season 16 - (3 CASs).

CAPTAINCY: Was team vice captain from season 14, match 4
..................... to season 16, semi-final (27 matches).
TEAM FIRST: First mvp.
TEAM RECORD: Holds the team record of 6 casualties in one
........................... single season.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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