"This Turkish born linebunny is somewhat mannish. Absolutely perfectly suited for placing on the line of scrimmage. Whether her body simply just produced too much testosterone or whether she is in fact a man who has undergone sex change surgery remains unknown to this day, Nonetheless the Blood Bowl authorities have sanctioned her playing.
In the PlayBall Troupe of Actors she forms companionship with the American actor Tom Boyd from the PlayBall Lesbian Branch®."
That was her description in the special issue of PlayBall Magazine detailing the newly purchased Bunny players.
Andro Gün entered the team at the beginning of season 12 making her one of the "original 11".
All hopes that she would prove to be a valuable asset for the team were thwarted when in the 5th round match of season 12 she was given a niggling injury by rat ogre
La Chubacabre of Drakwald Poison Daggers. From then on it was obvious that she was going to be retired, and that the Bunny coaching staff was only waiting for the right moment to do so. After missing out on two important games, failing to take the big hits for the Bunny star players, and constantly threatening to take an mvp that could have been much better spent, she was finally retired after the third round match of season 13 - at a time when her retirement would mean more winnings for the Bunnies in the upcoming match. She only played a total of 6 matches for the Bunnies, since she was kept out of 2 matches due to ”miss next game” injuries and another 2 due to her niggling injury (namely the 1st and 2nd round matches of season 13).
Andro Gün failed to achieve just 1 single star player point, making her the so far most worthless player on the team. She joined the Bunny coaching staff as block coordinator thus being the Bunnies' first assistant coach. She was retired from this position before the first round match of season 16.
(The picture of her was taken at her first match as assistant coach).
Acclaims and accolades: