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Pax Pawky

Pax Pawky
Halfling Hopeful,
Apple Pie Mayhem team retired

   Roster number: 7  

Value: 50,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 11
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 2 3 6 Right Stuff, Stunty, Dodge, Catch

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.


-- Apple Pie Mayhem has retired team retired --.
1 niggling due to ageing
Pax has had a hard time playing BB - he would really rather spent his day eating iced buns or drinking ale...
He seems to grow 20 years older after each game - and it is a matter of time before he will have to retire - let's all just hope that he will in fact live through this season in order to do so.

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