Old bulletin board |
Mar. 23rd, 2014 |
Kill the witch - next season! Is what we meant. Management has decided that since his top hitters couldn't even scratch the skin of a snotling, the Vermin will wait a season before effectuating Valentina Tereshkova 's death sentence. |
- Michael F |
Jan. 9th, 2014 |
Mission: kill the witch Last time Villainous Vermin met the current champions Dark side of the Moon - Dark side of the Moon - Villainous Vermin (Season XXIX, 1/4-final) - , we almost killed their superstar Valentina Tereshkova which would have ended her sordid career and made Dark side of the Moon 's path to the championship that much harder.
With her alive they easily ran cirkels around Managements other team, Deities of Doom, costing them much grief. Therefore the path forwards is obvious; kill Valentina Tereshkova ! Once she is dead, all will be well and Management will be happy. And since it was Villainous Vermin who has come the closest it is them who will be sent to do the dirty business.
Since there is a good chance that Villainous Vermin and Dark side of the Moon most likely will end up in different conferences, Management will have to allow for a bit ball handling this season to increase the chance of the teams meeting again.
They will still be required to kill indiscriminately throughout the season though. |
- Michael F |
Sep. 9th, 2012 |
A new start for Management Management, the long suffering headcoach for the Deities of Doom, had just about had enough of that poxy, good-for-nothing team. Its one thing not to win games, but the cas rating was abominable.
Season 28 ended with Management ordering Ludbik to impale itself on a the little zombie Gerhard Bersu , disgusted by his preformance. Deep in despair he ended up in a dingy bar, crying into a mug of tepid beer. A voice by his elbow squeaked
"Cor, you're that Management bloke, ain't ya guv'nor? You guys really suck!"
The voice belonged to a small rat-man, and later as Management was washing the blood fur and whiskers from his knuckles, a thought occurred; these little fuckers are quick, maybe they could be taught to grip a ball, and run in the right direction.
He suspended the Deities of Doom for the foreseeable future, and started training a group of annoyingly cockney group of gutter snipes, street urchins, chimney sweeps and layabouts. Maybe, just maybe, they can prove more succesfull than Deities of Doom, or else they can put into a sack and thrown in a river. |
- Michael F |
The Villainous Vermin