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Match result

season XIV, round 5
Team badge
Deadly Doom

gate: 70 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge


profile Sinistra Dextre retired
TD Scorers
Erestor Telrúnya
Jelly Fastlegs
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
profile Ra
Badly Hurt'ers

mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers

profile Xorn dead
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Wolf
Completions By
Limonn Ironarm
Limonn Ironarm
Limonn Ironarm
Limonn Ironarm
Jelly Fastlegs
Limonn Ironarm
Interceptions By

profile Mad Max Bounty (20000 gp) retired
MVP awards to
Jelly Fastlegs
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Loudmouth Glassjaw Bounty (20000 gp)
victim healed by apoth
Eldahmar Chainbarrier dead
Result added March 6th, 2005

Match notes
The two dire enemies Deadly Doom and Woodwatchers meet for the third time! It was 1-1 so far, but this time, DD smashed the welfs, but eventually lost out due to some fantastic gameplay by the agile elfs in their very last turn, as they against the odds turned defeat into glorious victory!

It looked like it was DDs match from the begining. A little bribe, turned the blind eye of the ref on DD most of the match. And when WW's dirty player Elrond Haraldir did not make it to the match this could been really bad. But only one foul broke amour all match!

As WW also lost out on their strip ball Dancer Arnarion Starglazer II, DD's strong Mad Max became the obvious ball carrrier, even though he still had not developed sure hands.

And finally DD was reciving and began by cutting the tree down, were he stayed the next 4 turns.

In turn 3 DD had the ball in what looked like a nice cage, and the apotech had already been aquired to save the life of Dancer Ilmarin Fireblow when he was killed by Xorn. On top of this one turner Loudmouth Glassjaw was SI in foul by S. Finxter.

But then the welfs trashed the undead. A guard managed to get into contact with Mad Max, and then Ilmarin Fireblow leaped in and took him down one dice. The ball was picked up in three TZ and passed by Limonn Ironarm to Brave Cowart. The latter was, however, in reach of The Green Ghost who promptly stripped the ball from him, and then the luck turned in favour of DD, as the ball bounced into the waiting hands of Sinistra Dextre, who was put into a tighter cage.

This broke the spirit of WW, and they did no further attempt to stop DD who kept the ball safe and Sinistra Dextre scored for 1-0 in the last turn of first half.

With one turner Loudmouth Glassjaw out it was Brave Cowart who had to reach the end zone. But as he tried to dodge past Benno Brausekopf II on the side line he first had problems pushing it and hence was promptly tackled by the zombie. 1-0 at half time.

In second half WW only got the two AG 5 players through the defence. Then Eldahmar Chainbarrier failed his dodge and fell directly into DD's reserve box, as his corpse was rasied by Necromancer Kynde into Eldahmar "Broken" Chain. :D

This was a huge set back for the welfs, and another failed dodge, saw the ball carier drop. But then, unbelivabel, the bouncing ball was caught by treeman Stonebark Roottaker. DD's mummies failed to get to him and then the tree then handed the ball to Limonn Ironarm who had to run to him (taken root!). When Limonn Ironarm subsequently were blitzed by DD, he simply dumbed-off succesfully to Jelly Fastlegs, who then found his way down pitch and passed it to a TD by Erestor Telrúnya. 1-1 in turn 5.

DD now had four turns to win the game against only 8 standing elfs (Josiah Fetterweight had been BH in another failed dodge).

Eldahmar "Broken" Chain got up on the LoS much to the consternation of his former team mates, and it all began well for DD when Ra BH Sirahn Witchslayer in the first block. After the turn the ball was again caged in the hands of Mad Max. But Brave Cowart became a problem for DD as he refused to move eventhough Lex Liche blitzed him twice in a row. (A total of three times double both down!)

This forced DD to take a chance in turn 7 were Mad Max was run down into scoring distance, sandwiched between two other DD players.

It seemed impossible for WW to get a two dice blitz on Mad Max. But then the welfs prooved why their agility is so feared in BB. Two guards dodged their way to assist. And Ilmarin Fireblow thus got a two dice blitz on Mad Max and once again DD was trashed! A lucky bounce made it easy for Limonn Ironarm to pass the ball to Jelly Fastlegs. Who easily cought it and proceded to dodge through TZ twice and finally after two go for it he could stretch his victories hands in the air when he scored the winning TD for 1-2.

DD really felt the victory slip from their hands in that turn, but nothing could be done about it. In their own last turn a big moment came when Eldahmar "Broken" Chain could yell TIMBEER! as he took down his former team mate Stonebark Roottaker.
In the last seconds of the match, The Green Ghost got the crazy ide of handing the ball to the zombie Wolf who thus managed to make a completion learning block in the process.

After the game the MVP of course went to Jelly Fastlegs who both scored the winning TD and passed for WW's first tieing TD. DD's Mad Max got it for carrying the ball most of the game, From this he aquired sure hands.

The fairly high gate gave 50K/30K to the teams, and the fans were contempt with the match, and stayed with their team.

Only Eldahmar Chainbarrier changed team (and name to Eldahmar "Broken" Chain!) But as he were already old and injured, Woodwathcers will nonetheless have more reasons to celebrate their grand victory, than to mourne the loss!

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Coach Prize

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