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Match result

season XIV, round 1
Team badge
Deadly Doom

gate: 77 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Grünburg Gryphons


profile Mad Max Bounty (20000 gp) retired
profile Mad Max Bounty (20000 gp) retired
TD Scorers
Eigil Schmitt
Foulers (no cas)

profile Benno Brausekopf II
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Ramses the 5th Bounty (40000 gp)
Serious Injurers
Completions By
Jürgen Lindhart
Interceptions By

profile Vigo dead
MVP awards to
profile Ingo Schultz
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Johan Alsman
Result added February 9th, 2005

Match notes
The first time Deadly Doom ever ran into a human team (of any kind) they got the upper hand. Although they quickly came down 0-1 after a magnificent leap by Eigil Schmitt so he could recive the long pass from Jürgen Lindhart it soon turned DDs way.

DD were, however, troubled the first half as Ramses the 5th, Lex Liche and Vigo had some intestine problems, and had to stay in the locker room during first half.

But even with only one mummy on pitch, The Green Ghost had no problem putting the ball with Mad Max after reciving it for 2nd drive, and he kept it well in a cage, until the 7th turn where he blitzed his way to a tieing TD. Before that Benno Brausekopf II had BH Frank Heinzman and both teams had a player expelled for an indiferent foul. (Necromancer Kynde was expelled as well for arguing!)

The mummy Ramses the 5th finally came out for 2nd half, whereas the two others stayed in the locker during the entire match... But now the mummy was angry with star Ghoul The Green Ghost and claimed he would go back if he should be on pitch along with him. Hence the Ghoul did not play in second half and DD could only field 10 players!

But with two fast KO and the SI on Johan Alsman by the very annoyed mummy DD was on top of everything. Mad Max again had the ball in the cage (after a touch back giving bad kick) and he held on to it until last turn, where only 5 humans (5 KOed) were left as he broke free of their last attack and scored for the result 2-1.

After the match the coruptness of the anouncers were clearly revealed as they gave it to Ingo Schultz who were KOed from turn 1 in 2nd half, and even worse also to Vigo for sitting on the toilet the whole match!

Winnings of 30/70 k and a the movement of a point of FF from GG to DD finished this funny match.

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