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Match result

Season XXXII, Round 2
Team badge
Death Extravagante

gate: 38 000
2 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Dark side of the Moon


profile Morvian Hellstrike Bounty (30000 gp) dead
profile Armathor Bloodslaker dead
TD Scorers
profile Valentina Tereshkova Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Thomas Stafford Bounty (50000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)

profile Morvian Hellstrike Bounty (30000 gp) dead
profile Narquelle Venomblade
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Valentina Tereshkova Bounty (20000 gp)

profile Achare Lifebane Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Serious Injurers

profile Armathor Bloodslaker dead
profile Dragathil Blackwolf dead
Completions By
Russell Schweickart retired
profile Mike Collins II Bounty (40000 gp)
Interceptions By

profile Kharnath Vileblood dead
MVP awards to
profile Mike Collins II Bounty (40000 gp)
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Buzz Aldrin retired
Result added February 12th, 2014

Match notes
Surprisingly only 38.000 fans showed up to see the game between the two evenly matched title aspirants.
The game started with Dark side of the Moon kicking. Armathor Bloodslaker stayed deep while the rest of the team tried to punch a hole in the opposing line. Just above halfway through the half Dark side of the Moon put all men on the runner in an attempt to sack him. All this resulted in though, was a forced side shift and in the end a dump-off to Morvian Hellstrike left him scoring an unopposed TD.
As Dark side of the Moon received for the 2nd half Thomas Stafford crashed to the ground in a leap attempt giving teamed(dea) a chance to sack, which they committed heavily to. However Mike Collins II is made for making the day in situations like that - and shortly after Valentina Tereshkova could run down to score with the opposition forcing a fast score.
Death Extravagante received again and again kept Armathor Bloodslaker stayed deep waiting for a late opening and a TD. However somewhere in the process, he made a small error and miscalculated the speed of John Glenn, who managed to get a TZ on the runner - with his Diving Tackle. The rest of the team again ran and dodged all round and made a all or nothing attempt on the ball. In the end ElīTael Darksun fell over as he tried to press himself for a move that would leave the game all but certain for Death Extravagante - who now instead easily scored to 2-1. Armathor Bloodslaker made up for this though as he scored a genuine 1-turner despite Dark side of the Moon responded with a blitz to draw the game.
The fans had witnessed a great game and two teams that showed why they are considered title aspirants by many bookmakers.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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