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Match result

Season XXXl, Round 3
Team badge
Deadwood Blights

gate: 30 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Witchburg Steelers


Shataan dead
TD Scorers
Lamar Woodleous retired
Troy Polamaluous II dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
Ramona Foster dead
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event

Ramona Foster dead
Completions By
Lamarr Woodlous retired
Emanuella Sandousious
Lamarr Woodlous retired
Lamarr Woodlous retired
Interceptions By

Meat #9
MVP awards to
James Farriousious retired
Sustained Injuries

profile #Bubba Stonedead
Miss Next Game

Shataan dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added September 19th, 2013

Match notes
Bam! What a game from Witchburg Steelers. I doubt Deadwood Blightsknew what hit them tonight. The Elves were faster, harder hitting and generally better on every aspect of the game.
At the end of the second half - when they tried to score a 1-turn equalizer (which needlessly to say failed in the final dodge) - only 9 of the starting 16 players were able to get to the pitch.
The team seem like a shadow of itself - and unless they get a grip on themselves itīs hard to see how they can defend the title.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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