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Match result

Season XXVIII, cross over 7
Team badge
Reincarnated Librarians

gate: 33 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Borc Lockers

TD Scorers
profile Dolf Ryrbye
profile Korbjørn Thaels
Foulers (no cas)

Butter Fingers Jr. retired
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Korbjørn Thaels

mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
profile Jemming Flørgensen
profile Sulrik Vendsen Bounty (40000 gp)

Butter Fingers Jr. retired
Completions By
profile Norten Mielsen retired
Interceptions By

Hjørland Reconstructed retired
MVP awards to
profile Jemming Flørgensen
Sustained Injuries

victim regenerated
-1 AV
-1 AG
profile Norten Mielsen retired

Cutters Plaything dead
Result added April 10th, 2012

Match notes
An uneven cross over match after Reincarnated Librarians had been decimated in their last match. But to compensate they hired a wizard, two babes and both Wilhelm Chaney and Hack Enslash.

The Orcs received and was quickly under pressure from the two Flesh golems, Chaney and the other wolf DeWey Mcgraw. They were only two as Cutter Mcgraw had forgotten that fend is no use against a Juggernaut like Korbjørn Thaels so he was KOed in the crowd.

But suddenly Borc Lockers got a break and to try to get back in the drive the wizard threw a fireball over three players, but took down only the least important. And then strong blitzer Korbjørn Thaels was away with the ball… That is until lone ranger Zenodotus took him down sole handed and caught the bounce.

However, fast Dolf Ryrbye came running out of nowhere and took him down, got the ball and seemed poised to score. In the end, though, it came down to a dodge, but he made it for the TD for 0-1 at half time.

In the process of scoring BL had one golden turn where P-O Sulrik Vendsen stayed on his feet while killing dirty player Cutters Plaything and Korbjørn Thaels BH another zombie which regenerated. However as the KOed wolf came back in, RL still had 12 players and could leave Slash and his Chainsaw of the pitch for the last turn of the half.

So he was fielded with all three wolves when BL kicked 2nd half off. And how they kicked! The ball ended on the line in the wide zone and the blitzing Orcs managed to catch the ball – it was again Korbjørn Thaels, and he was placed so it was very difficult to frenzy him out. Instead Hack Enslash came into action, but his chainsaw was no match for Orc armour. He was then stunned and next time he was up KOed. (At least Butter Fingers Jr. had managed to BH the gobo Neen Stielsen who is a fan of RL's coach! ;)!)

In the meantime Korbjørn Thaels moved around with the ball and was soon down pitch. In the end a failed go for it by Butter Fingers Jr. gave the Orcs a free TD for 0-2 with only four turns to go. A victory would see them through to the play-off. So they should now just prevent two two turn TDs.

And with the kick landing in the EZ and a perfect defense it seemed a done deal. But RL never gave up. In the end they managed to take down the entire line (6 players) that should have been an Orc wall. And got two players in TD range! One was taken down but then Korbjørn Thaels failed a simple go for it to block of the path for agile wolf Cutter Mcgraw and the pass sailed straight to him. So he only needed to run all he could to keep the hopes alive. But those pesky go for its! The Ghoul Butter Fingers Jr. had already stolen the RR to manage tnh short pass and the wolfs failed the first go for it!

Also BL had trouble with the easy stuff, again Korbjørn Thaels using a RR to a dodge, but then Norten Mielsen managed a pass to Muds Maff and suddenly it seemed as likely to be 0-3 as 1-2. In the end RL’s ghoul failed yet a go for it to get into scoring position and it was up to BL to go for the TD.

They did and when Norten Mielsen tried to dodge for the ball he managed to fall and get so badly injured that the teams apo asked the coach if he should perform a mercy kill. The coach denied this, as Librarians should not have their killed zombie back, but the now in agile thrower will not be on the Orc team during the play-off!

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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