Apart from 40.000 fans also an extra apo, a wizard and a chef with two bribes and a RR showed up for the match to help the underlings when facing the Champs.
In the blizzard the odour from the nice food was blown away from the pitch and only worked a third as well as could have been hoped. But with the snow coming down (in May!) the Dwarfs decided to kick to DR first.
DR comes off to a great start, and stuns several dwarfs as well as KOing a runner and BHing Dennis Dobbelnæve (in a foul by Tyr B, but the hired apo cured him). So they managed to stall four turns before The Mother scores for 1-0.
By then the blizzard had blown it self off and the rest of the match was played in "descend" BB weather.
In the next drive after DR puts pressure on the cage an opening arises and it is easy for Holy Spirit to blitz ball carrier Larry Lynfod. The runner is so daunty that he manages to smack the dwarf down, and the ball bounces around ending up between 3 players from each team.
The dwarfs manage to remove some of the rats, and Ole "fut" rolls over God BHing him in the process. But the ball stays on the ground. Then a good blitz by strong Poseidon removes two dwarfs from the ball. So now it is time for Jesus to dodge, leap, dodge, pick-up dodge, dodge, dodge and push it. Then he stands free with the ball.
Still a dwarf blocker manages to get a blitz in, but he fails to take Jesus down, and next turn the legend leaps out from the side line and scores for 2-0 at the end of first half. That is, there was one turn left and the two line rats KOed on the LOS failed to get back in. Still DR managed to field 11 rats.
In second half the chef works better, but the dwarfs comes way too slow down pitch. Although they quickly removes rats - four more KOs and another BH by Ole "fut" (this time on Frej B), leaving only the three runners and three other rats on pitch towards the end.
But soon it is realized that the dwarfs will not try to win anymore, the wizard is used for the heck of it with a KO as a result. Then the runners run away from harm. And in the last moment Leon Lettå reduces to 2-1.
DR still has one last drive, but they are not interested in scoring. Instead Saturn equalizes the casualty score when he SI Leon Lehugger, smashed knee, but the teams own apotech cures him.
So a very friendly match that sends DR on to the quarterfinal with 16 players ready, and with her TD The Mother became a star and learned pass block.