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Match result

Season XX, round 8
Team badge
Necropolis Tombraiders

gate: 21 000
1 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Crazh Tezt Dummiez


Liche retired
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers

Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions By
Interceptions By

Liche retired
MVP awards to
Doofgrook Puffpuff
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Fuzzjum Dipface Bounty (20000 gp)
Pok Fumbleclown

Aze Tar Roth dead
Result added March 30th, 2008

Match notes
The Orcs kicked to the Tombraiders and came blitzing out. Not that they got anyone down, but they applied a lot of pressure. However, two of the attacking orc blitzers learned a lesson when first Fuzzjum Dipface where SI so bad by Nekhef that even the apotech could do nothing to prevent him from missing next game. And Klunk Facefoot where then KOed and failed to wake up for the remainder of the match.

Still the Undeads had trouble getting through and Bobo the Troll handled the mummies well stunning first one and then KOing Khentigarai, who first woke up late in the match.

So when Liber Necris realized that his speed would take him almost out of reach of any orc, he dodged away, and failed miserably KOing himself and leaving the ball for easy pick-up by Pok Fumbleclown.

The Orc thrower where soon down pitch with a decent chance to score, but in the end he had to stand unprotected and then Nekhef took his second victim when he blitzed the thrower down SI also him so he will miss next match. The ghoul learned a new skill from this great match.

In the end Henk Cage Crazher did have a chance to get to the ball and could then have passed to Boron Lumpwimp in the EZ, but with a Wight still next to the ball he failed the pick-up. 0-0 at half time.

Now the orcs where only 10 vs. 11 and missed three of their best players, including both blitzers with extra abilities to get down ghouls and the team leader Pok Fumbleclown.

And with some extremely poor blocking the little gobo Nitball Mark. X with the ball was soon under pressure, and Liber Necris took him down, and then a skeleton fouled him KO.

With several players missing the Orcs could not really do much, and soon Liche was standing close to the EZ with the ball, but after a failed dodge killed of Aze Tar Roth he did not dare wait and scored for 1-0 with a few turns left for the orcs.

But neither the gobo nor the KOed blitzer came back in, and with only 9 players and no gobo to throw it was an uphill struggle. It ended quickly though as the first block resulted in a BOB going down together with a mummy.

Soon Liche again had the ball within scoring reach, and before any attempt could be made to stop him the other BOB on the LoS also went down with the other mummy! But luckily for the Orcs it had been a long match and Liche fell over the EZ line thus ending the match 1-0 for Tombraiders.

However, with the TD and this attempt he earned himself the MVP and a new skill. Also with the leader out of the way the MVP went to the other thrower Doofgrook Puffpuff who learned a skill from this.

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