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Match result

Season XX, round 8
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 28 000
3 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Bones & Bandages


profile Guillo-Tine retired
profile Sisse Fisse dead
profile Carmen Körler dead
TD Scorers
Lucifer Limb
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Pamela Pain
profile Oswald Osiris Bounty (20000 gp)

profile Guillo-Tine retired
Serious Injurers
Ruth Ribcage

mercenary / fans / random event
profile Oswald Osiris Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Oswald Osiris Bounty (20000 gp)

profile Ko Π dead
profile Claire Voyance retired
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Sisse Fisse dead
MVP awards to
Brian Backbone dead
Sustained Injuries

profile Ko Π dead
Miss Next Game
Sylvester Slubby retired

profile Sandra Bullcock dead
profile Iben Holt dead
profile Finn Fumble dead
Result added April 12th, 2008

Match notes
The Bunnies received the ball and were down the pitch for a touchdown, before the Khemri knew what hit them. 1-0.

Then the Bunnies kicked the ball deep and penetrated deep into Khemri territory hoping that they would not be able to pick up the ball. This they managed to do, though, but they were still forced to corner the ball on the sideline with only few players around it. The Bunny wizard then came up with a lightning bolt that split the ball-carrying Skeleton down the marrow and left it more dead than it was already. The Bunnies captured the ball and expanded their lead. 2-0.

In the next drive the Bunny tactics of kicking deep worked. And this time the Khemri could not pick up the ball. The Bunnies got hold of it, but they were bitzed down. The Khemri then managed to pick it up and sprinted all the way down for a last minute touchdown. 2-1.

At the beginning of the second half only 5 Bunnies could be fielded for the kick-off, but once again the Khemri could not pick up the ball. Two Bunnies penetrated the Khemri offensive line and blitzed down the last Khemri that excerted tackle-zone on the ball. From there there was no stopping them. 3-1.

From here on the Khemri lost all belief in winning the match and went solely for inflicting casualties. 3-1 the final score.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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