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Match result

Season XIX, ¼-final
Team badge
Zhatan's Re-Animated

gate: 32 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Odder Undertakers

TD Scorers
profile Forest Gump dead
profile Zumm Sum dead
Foulers (no cas)

Badly Hurt'ers
profile Anton Bounty (20000 gp)

Chewey Bounty (20000 gp)
Serious Injurers
profile Brutalis Rex
Completions By
Interceptions By

Machai dead
MVP awards to
profile Flænseren
Sustained Injuries
-1 ST
victim regenerated

Machai dead
Result added November 14th, 2007

Match notes
Both coaches had hoped for the two teams to meet, so all they had to do was prove who was leading the best undead team in the leauge.

The Undertakers won the coin toss and recived the ball and then started first half grinding their way towards the endzone. On their way down the field the Undertakers managed to kill the Ghoul Machai, who went to join the Undertakers as a zombie for 2 half.
Otherwise the first hlaf was uneventfull and the Undertakers took their time to score the TD, so that the ZRA di not get time to equalize.

The second half started with the Undertakers blitzing the ZRA at kickoff, putting a great deal of preasure on the ball. The death of Machai and the ko of other ZRA players made it more than difficult for the ZRA to break through, and in the end, the Undertakers captured the ball and went for their second TD.

Apart from two blitzes at kickoff the Undertakers were not as lucky as they normally are, but they simply played well for once....

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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