The orcs were not the favourites, but to ensure that they would stay on pitch, they had hired an apotech and two BB babes as well as a wizard.
And to even the odds even more the match began with their fans invading DR’s pitch stunning half the team including three runners and Rat Ogre Muhammad. (Only one Orc on the LoS was also stunned because of a mistake by GG’s fans ;))
Luckily for the rats the ball landed at the midline, and the fans pushed it back to GG’s pitch, and this touch back kept the ball safe until the five downed players were up and ready. But at this time Zeus was KOed and Madonna had been killed by Hegar Enemydrinker. But, once again, lucky for the rats, the apo avoided the disaster and pumped her with some painkillers and she turned out to play part in the victory for the rats!
Cause soon Holy Spirit could run the ball in for 1-0 and all rats were ready again.
This was, however, not enough to stop GG from scoring to 1-1 by Bertram Quickmove, but the pressure on GG was enough to force them to do so with a turn left for DR. And even with most of the teams resources spent right before the half, this turn was used to attempt a one turn TD. A high kick (2nd out of 3 in the match) ensured that Madonna could catch the ball and run to hand it to Jesus. He could then, after a simple subsequent push, with only three simple dodges (and two go for it’s) make the one turn TD a reality: 2-1.
This still left GG a full half to equal the score, but already in the first turn Valfried Hardearth fumbles a pass close to the LoS. A good bounce, and it was easy for Jesus to run for it and pass it back to Madonna. With her well protected in a cage, there was only one hope left for the orcs and the wizard steped up and threw a fireball over the front of the cage. 5 players could have been affected but only two went down stunning only Jesus. No hole in the cage!
But the pressure is on, so Madonna runs out of reach, or so she thinks. But a very fast blitzer Bertram Quickmove dodges and pushes it further than any normal blitzer can, and bam takes her down. But she is not stunned, and the ball bounces free. And soon Bertram Quickmove is KOed by Zeus and the ball is once again safe with Madonna.
After half the half is gone Jesus is only covered by one orc, and it is easy for him to catch the hand off from Madonna and one dodge and he scores the winning TD for 3-1.
The ball handling part of the GodRunners stays of pitch (for safety) for the orcs last attempt to reduce the score, but in the end it is also enough with a single God who dives after Manton Wyrmskinner as he tries to dodge for the EZ. That concluded the half for the orcs, but just to show he was in the match Muhammad makes a final turn blitz and BHs Hegar Enemydrinker as a revenge for his attempted murder on Madonna.
Thus the Divine moved on to the quarterfinal without any injury and earning enough money for a 15th player. Both MVPs gave the receivers a second skill, Hegar Enemydrinker from GG and Tyr from DR (the latter now knows how to wrestle people down… before he then steps on them :p)