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Match result

Season XIX, cross-over 1
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 21 000
4 TD score 4
cas score
Team badge
Olvig Vikings


profile Polly Styrén dead
profile Carmen Körler dead
profile Carmen Körler dead
profile Carmen Körler dead
TD Scorers
Ask Sigfredsson dead
Ask Sigfredsson dead
Ask Sigfredsson dead
Ask Sigfredsson dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
Egil Uldsson Bounty (20000 gp)
Rune Skyggeson Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Egil Uldsson Bounty (20000 gp)
Serious Injurers
Egil Uldsson Bounty (20000 gp)
Egil Uldsson Bounty (20000 gp)

profile Sandra Bullcock dead
profile Ko Π dead
profile Ko Π dead
profile Carmen Körler dead
Completions By
Svine Buesson retired
Svine Buesson retired
Svine Buesson retired
Svine Buesson retired
Interceptions By

profile Maja Tćrsker dead
MVP awards to
Svine Buesson retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Ann Tenna Kabell Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Miss Next Game

victim healed by apoth
profile Bimbo Baggins dead
profile Maja Tćrsker dead
Result added September 6th, 2007

Match notes
In sweltering heat the already undermanned Bunnies took on the hard hitting Norse, and the heat kept even more Bunnies off the pitch on end.

Still the Bunnies used their limited material in style for an early run-of-the-mill two-turn touchdown. Then they got a lucky break when the Norse failed to pick up the ball. They picked it up and cornered it behind the Norse front line. An attempt to cage in the offence was fruitless, as Carmen Körler leapt out and scored.

The Norse retaliated with a quick touchdown, but the few Bunnies left on the pitch managed to scramble for another one before the end of the first half. 3-1.

In the second half the severe pounding began to exert real pressure on the Bunnies. The Norse made a quick touchdown, and with only two players left on the field things seemed hopeless. But once again, Carmen Körler made a drive on her own. All alone against 11 opponents she managed to score.

Now pressure was on Vikings. They did, however, manage to score a quick touchdown, and by now only one Bunny remained on the pitch for the last offensive drive. She cornered the ball and ran up the sideline hoping to throw the ball out of reach for the Norse, but she failed. Instead it bounced out of bounds and was thrown right back to the Norse thrower, who could make the completion for the last second equalizer.

4-4 the final result - and a fair result too, as both teams were successful in their respective fields of strategy. The Bunnies in playing ball, and Vikings in dealing hits.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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