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Match result

Season XVIII, ¼-final
Team badge
Elf Huggers

gate: 36 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
after overtime
Team badge
Violently Demised


H. T. Bush
TD Scorers
profile Shadow Fang
Foulers (no cas)

Hr. Bent dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Ishikozume

Hr. Bent dead
Tue Borc
Serious Injurers
profile Flaying

Jean D'Orc
Gorbachef dead
Completions By
Interceptions By

Nero dead
MVP awards to
profile Iron Maiden dead
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Brazen Bull

victim healed by apoth
Niggling Injury
-1 AV
victim regenerated
This match went into overtime
Result added April 26th, 2007

Match notes

        - - empty - -

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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