In the seasons longest match the Elf Huggers managed to tear so much on the Divine Rats, that the rats could not stop them from scoring towards the end of the match, and then neither in overtime, and in the 4th half after 4½ hours, the remaining 7 rats failed to tie the match.
For a very long time it looked like it would be the day of the Rats. After two quick KOs on LoS rats, the 9 on pitch did a good job and soon Holy Spirit striped the ball from Bongomann. Jesus then obtained the ball and ran for it. Just one go for it and he would be (almost) out of reach, but slam (snake eyes) and he were stunned. The Fuckers manage to retain the ball and Tue Borc made the first of the match's many SI on Allah.
Gno the Gobo are handed the ball, but suddenly finds himself next to Muhammad who has just BH Gorbachef. When Nero RR a block on him to double skull, the ball should be the rats. But Muhammad cannot get 3 dice on the little side stepper, and decides instead to clear the path for Holy Spirit… Double skull on Jean D'Orc, and he goes down loner as he is. Gno runs for the TD, but not long enough and this time Holy Spirit reaches him, and with an assist he is dauntless enough to get two dice, and slam the gobo is SI MNG. Jesus can still make TD a possibility, but fails to pick up in two TZ. One of these were that of Nullergøj who slams him down SI! But in the end Arrg fails the dodge on his way for the TD and it is 0-0 after first half.
Only 8 rats face 11 orcs, but they still manage to block the left part of the orcs pitch completely off, so after Zeus blitzes Nullergøj SI, Holy Spirit can walk over the line for a free TD for 1-0. This made Holy Spirit a super star and he learned to leap. Zeus learned mighty blow from taking the frenzied orc Blitzer out!
This really sparked the rats, and they came blitzing out. But the ball ended up in 3 TZ near the LoS and it was difficult to get to it. Nevertheless a good blitz by Zeus KOed a line orc, and Madonna made a dodge into two TZ and then easily caught it. But that was no help as the Troll Krøllebølle managed to take her down KOing her, and then Arrg got the ball. A two dice blitz was managed on him, again Zeus, but RR were spend on double skull (to an ineffective both down on a block BOB, leaving Holy Spirit trapped) and Arrg remained on his feet.
Fewer and fewer rats are left to stop the TD, and Girafle BHs Loke. But in the end Holy Spirit takes the chance and dodges into the cage, fails his dauntless, but his amazing abilities to strip the ball leaved it on the ground. God then manages to put his TZ on it. But with Arrg's grabbing techniques (which he several times applied to God) the runner were easily removed. And as Muhammad was not around as he had been SI when he tried to dodge out to get his TZ on the ball, it was now up to H. T. Bush to grab the ball and pass it to Jean D'Orc. When he caught it he had a free run for the tying TD in the dying seconds of the match. Overtime was a reality.
Only 6 rats were ready to kick to Huggers, as two KOs failed to come back and then a rock stunned Holy Spirit. So when the ball ended close to LoS were the pickup was failed the rats had no real hope of doing anything about it. Still the orcs where also only 10 and when Zeus SI Girafle it might just have worked. But then Tyr were BH in a failed dodge, and when God were KOed the last 4 rats could not stop H. T. Bush from scoring for 1-2.
Even with only 7 players ready Divine Rats still had a serious hope of making a one turner. With brilliant coaching in the back Madonna managed to complete a long pass to Holy Spirit, who had received the needed push. Still 3 dodges and 2 go for its were needed, with only dodge, but it was realistic, but once again a double 1, on the very first, and the orcs were in the lead before the last 4 turn half.
7 rats should have been enough to score, but with no thrower and only two gutter runners, the rats failed to place them self in a good position, and had no hope of scoring in 2 turns, and in a desperate attempt to get Holy Spirit in scoring reach, he were placed rather silly. A 3 dice blitz did not get him down, but he could be pushed to yet a 3 dice block, and finally when this also failed (the orcs were also tired) he were again standing against an orc and this time 3 dices were enough and Holy Spirit were KOed. The orcs got the ball, and with no one to strip it from them, there were nothing the remaining rats could do and the match finished 1-2 for the orcs.
It was an excellent example of how a match can be lost in the game before. DR took a magnificent victory in the cross over, but at the cost of 4 MNG from the team. Just 2-3 more players were what they would have needed to stop the orcs from getting into overtime (or at least to win the overtime). But that is BB. Now the orcs are similarly handicapped for their quarterfinal with 3 MNG including the best Blitzer and their agile gobo.