Although it was only for 3rd place still 70.000 fans attended the match, as Divine Rats kicked to Elf Huggers. But they were probably quite disappointed as it must have been one of the least Bloody Ball matches ever, with only 6 KOs and not a single casualty.
A well placed kick was mistakenly caught by Bongomann who now kept holding on to it, and hence failed to make use of his great tackling abilities against the holy GodRunner trinity…
But the cage was slowly but safely moved down pitch, while Muhammad as in his previous match once again choose to go down on a both down (one dice on the frenzy block), hence keeping his tail away from the ball carrier. And after two stunning fouls Tyr were send off by the referee.
But this was equalled when Muhammad finally did something right by KOing Hr. Bent so bad that he stayed out the rest of the match. But Spir KOed Loke in a foul, so the Orcs stayed ahead on pitch. In the end of the half Spir’s fouling spree was almost ended when he stunned Holy Spirit with a large crack of the armour, but a well placed bribe kept him on pitch (and hence avoided a dangerous turn over.) Scarred from this, and forgetting that Holy Spirit was actually stunned and could hence not strip the ball from Bongomann the Orc blitzer choose to score for 0-1 with time enough left for a normal Skaven scoring attempt!
And sure enough after the two runners down pitch had been surrounded, God had been forgotten standing just within scoring reach, and although he almost fumbled a hand-off from Jesus he then managed to run all the way for the EZ and tie the first half 1-1.
2nd half started as first half ended, with a couple of runners down pitch, and after the orcs finished their defence attempt, Madonna could catch a hand-off with nerves of steel from Holy Spirit. But first after Jesus almost had fumbled the pass to the latter. So there were some excitement, but after the catch by Madonna she could easily score for 2-1 with a simple dodge.
The orcs now had almost a full half to force the match into overtime, but there were still 11 rats to stop them, and the ball was nearly taken from them already to begin with, when H. T. Bush failed the first of two go for its on his way to the caged ball, and decided to save the RR for later. A good blitz by Jupiter send the ball bouncing into only two orc TZ, and when Krøllebølle was slain down, only one was left. Hence it was no problem for Jesus to get there and pick-it up, at least he though so, but a double 1, and no sure hands helps.
The ball was now recovered by H. T. Bush but he did not make it into the cage, and Muhammad could get a two dice blitz on him, with just one push, but oh no, he slammed him self to the ground before reaching the thrower and KOed himself. This may have been the best thing to happen for DR, because now he was not around to ruin their plans. And even with both Vermin’s also KOed, the remaining 8 rats managed to stall the Orc cage, and towards the end of the half Jean D'Orc had to make a run for it to get into scoring position, and with the RR lost on a bad block from a black orc, he of course stumbled on the needed go for it and the orcs chances came crashing down with him, ending the match 2-1 for DR, even with all their AV 8 players KOed!
Buddha earned the MVP for DR and thus learned to throw more accurate.