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Match result

Season XVII, round 6
Team badge
Bad Moon Backstabbers

gate: 32 000
2 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Zhatan's Re-Animated


Reckless Dragonheart
Daddy Longlegs
TD Scorers
Chewey Bounty (20000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
Dully Sneakblade
Badly Hurt'ers
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions By
Interceptions By

Daddy Longlegs
MVP awards to
Death Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Sustained Injuries

-1 AV

Maniadoc Redeye dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added October 24th, 2006

Match notes
En fierce blizzard obstructed the running and passing play most of the match.
In the first half the Undeads startet very well, was dominating on the field and scored the first TD of the match. Late in the first half the gobos managed to score the equalizer, but used up all the secret weapons - they could only field 10 player to the second half.
In the second half the Undead kicked the ball, and the receiving gobos scored to 2-1. Midway in the half (where the weather got better) the gobos were a bit too descimated to prevent a strong Undead team from scored again.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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