Welcome to Aros BB a bloodbowl league in Denmark We are a bunch of Blood Bowl coaches who come together to play our teams in the league in order to become champion of the season (and kill the opposing players...).
Here you will among many things find info on the participating teams, standings of the current season (if any is running at the moment), the results of previous played seasons and lots of statistics and records.
This is not an online league, we play the game table top IRL. The league is located in Aarhus, Denmark. Usually we play 2 seasons a year. When a season is running, we play one match a week.
If you live in/near Aarhus and want to join the league, contact us. Or if you find incorrect data, dead links etc., feel free to mail me. We also have our Guest Book open for your comments and greetings.
- the Commissioner
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