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Match result

season XIII, round 4
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 54 000
4 TD score 7
cas score
Team badge
Greyhavien Renegades


profile Mette Vons retired
profile Metha Dohn dead
profile Ane Uråd retired
profile Ane Uråd retired
TD Scorers
Isenia Angeleyes retired
Eldril Everdodge retired
Eldril Everdodge retired
Isenia Angeleyes retired
Eldril Everdodge retired
Eldril Everdodge retired
Elorfin Moonglowe retired
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
Oldroot Slumberjack retired

profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Lykke Pille dead
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Lykke Pille dead
profile Lykke Pille dead
profile Lykke Pille dead
profile Metha Dohn dead
Completions By
Nebril Neverscatter retired
Nebril Neverscatter retired
Eldril Everdodge retired
Nebril Neverscatter retired
Nebril Neverscatter retired
Interceptions By

profile Metha Stase Bounty (20000 gp) retired
MVP awards to
Finrod Featherfoot retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Sarah Cen dead
Miss Next Game
Result added September 26th, 2004

Match notes
Blood Bowl Bunnies vs. Greyhavien Renegades… what can we say? One of the most spectacular matches played in the Aros League ever, and furthermore a record that will probably stay for a very long time… If it will ever be surpassed.

On PlayBall Stadium the Bunnies clashed with their visitors. Due to their new retractable roof (and Scutt’s scroll of weather magic) the Bunnies mastered the elements for the whole match – resulting in a most boring (but elf-friendly) perfect weather. The Renegade coach felt that the match was in the bag (which was quite right) and thus he only fielded the 11 worse players during the entire match. The Bunnies’ team owner had the referee on his pay-roll, so the referee turned up with a palmed coin giving the Bunnies the choice of whether to receive or not.

Renegades received the ball and rookie lineman Isenia Angeleyes scored a quick touchdown. 0-1.

Bunnies then received the ball, but on a double-1 Lykke Pille failed to receive the pass from Synne Buch. Renegades quickly moved in and got hold of the ball. Eldril Everdodge scored the touchdown. 0-2.

Bunnies again received the ball, and this time Lykke Pille caught the ball. However, Celeborn Elyan got to her stretching her flat on her back forcing the ball off field. It was thrown back into the hands of the Renegades whose lineman Eldril Everdodge scored his second touchdown of the match. 0-3.

Having then secured victory and fearing the mighty blowjobs of Hvasse Line the Renegades then started keeping their best players off field. This resulted in more space for the Bunny offence and led to a touchdown from Mette Vons. 1-3.

The rest of the match followed the same pattern from both sides. Either defence could not stop the offence of the other team, and in the end Renegades started showing off with one-turners.

4-7 the final result – an undisputed touchdown record for the league.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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