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Match result

Season XXXIII, Round 3
Chaos Renegades logo
no custom badge
Crimson Hands

gate: 18 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Skaven logo
no custom badge
Grim Squeakers


Ash "Shotgun" Williams dead
TD Scorers
The Nameless One
The Nameless One
Forty Six & 2
Foulers (no cas)

Dork "Anvil" Leadfoot
Badly Hurt'ers
He Who Is Darkness
Black Heart Inertia
He Who Is Darkness

Puck Hadad retired
Cáel Srrzon
Serious Injurers

Bone Rat retired

Pollux Eksistensze dead
Ythus Anathema
Completions By
Blacker Shade Of Dark
Interceptions By

Thanatos Hereward retired
MVP awards to
Thirteen Bounty (20000 gp)
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Warpstoned dead

Lugh Orion dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added September 24th, 2014

Match notes
Second game for the new rats with the old coach. This time the rats started out slower. but still applying pressure from the start. Crimson Hands quickly brought the ball up field with a pass, and crowded forward, getting more than half their team into rat territory. Rats came storming back, blitzing Hector TwinFold out of scoring range and blocking up the path to the endzon as much as they could. The Dark Elf and his slaves couldn't advance, and insteand crowded up even further. He Who Is Darkness had only been standing around roaring with rage so, decidet to finally make good use of his rage blitzing Lucius-Uri "Th Hammer" taking him out for the reminder of the game. Things turned into a scrum after that, a wizard brought along by the rats, helped the Chaos along, leaving ball and ballcarrier Down in the middle of everything. After some fighting back and forth, the rats could eventually make the ball bounce to the ouside of the scrum, allowing so they could get at it, and make the score in the dying seconds of the first half.
Grim Squeakers recieved second half, and made a quick score, to put them up 2-0.
Rats had started coming of the pitch by now, but having a comfortable lead, the remaining rodents pressed on, for another qiuck score, as the ball carrier failed to blitz himself free, from the marking gutter runner.
Being up 3-0 the the last rats proceeded with reckless abandon, trying for a blowout win.
They came close, but in the end Ash "Shotgun" Williams's agility served him well, as he was able to blitz free, dodge twice through tacklzones and make the gfi's for the final score of the game.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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